A new Government for the UK ?

28th June 2024

With the results from the UK General Election due at the end of next Week , the current Polls predict […]

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Business & Consumer Confidence returns

30th April 2024

With UK Inflation continuing it’s downward direction and the possibility of  Interest rate cuts coming along in the Summer ,  […]

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A Technical ‘Recession ‘ ,but a more Optimistic outlook for 2024 ?

29th February 2024

With the UK Economy now officially in a ‘Technical Recession’  and  ongoing International Conflicts showing on all Media Channels , […]

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Best Wishes for the Festive Season & more optimism now for 2024 ?

21st December 2023

For many it’s been a difficult 2023  as the Covid legacy continues to drag any real progress down . However […]

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More Optimism about ?

31st August 2023

With record inflation now slowly decreasing  and the threat of a UK Recession diminishing , there are grounds to be […]

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25% of Global Workers looking to change Jobs in next 12 Months .

30th June 2023

A recent global Survey by PWC ( 54,000 workers in 46 countries ) reported that 25% of Global Workers surveyed […]

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Stagnant Growth , but no Recession ?

28th April 2023

With no signs yet of the double digit inflation in the UK  receding in the near future  and the ‘Cost […]

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A little bit more Optimistic ?

1st March 2023

It’s a tough time still for many UK Households ( with the exception of the very wealthy !)  as the […]

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Festive Greetings !

23rd December 2022

Best wishes for the Festive Season , a chance for many to have a break ,re-charge the Batteries and  catch […]

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More Challenges ahead ?

28th October 2022

Much has happened in the last 2 Months  with the 3rd UK Prime Minister in 6 weeks now in No […]

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A tough Winter ahead ?

31st August 2022

With the majority of Summer Holidays now behind us ( including 2 x heatwaves ! ) , thoughts are turning […]

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Is there a UK Recession on its way ?

30th June 2022

With UK Inflation now nearing double figures .leading to an escalation in the ‘Cost of living’ crisis  , the first […]

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Anxious times now lie ahead ?

29th April 2022

With the War in Ukraine now passing it’s 50th Day and with no real signs of any Peace Agreement being […]

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International Tensions bring more difficulties

25th February 2022

With the Russian Invasion of the Ukraine now seemingly well underway and the West including the UK, responding with a […]

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As Best Wishes for the Festive Season as possible

23rd December 2021

With the arrival of the Omicron variant of the Covid Virus  and subsequent restrictions now back in place across the […]

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An improved outlook for the UK

29th October 2021

In March ,the OBR ( Office for Budget responsibility) forecast that the long term Economic damage to the UK from […]

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More of the Same for the next few Months ?

27th August 2021

With Summer Holidays almost behind us , Pupils starting to return to School and The Weather ( for most places […]

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Summer Outlook still uncertain

28th June 2021

Historically ,some Sectors of the Recruitment Market have seen a slowdown in activity in the Summer Months ,but with Overseas […]

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Further Optimism for the future

30th April 2021

Whilst the road ahead for most is still rather uncertain ,there continues to be reasonable grounds for cautious Optimism with […]

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Cautious Optimism for 2021 ?

26th February 2021

An awful lot has happened since our last Blog 2 months ago ,with a ‘Brexit Trade’ Deal finally being struck […]

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2020 & Best Wishes for the Festive period

23rd December 2020

It’s been one of the most challenging Years for most Business’s and individuals that most of us can remember  and […]

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Planning for the Worst Scenario over the next 6 months

29th October 2020

With the arrival of the 2nd wave of Covid 19 , the real possibility that the UK will leave the […]

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Advice in a Recession

26th August 2020

Recent Economic Statistics confirmed that the UK is now in ‘Recession’ ,the first for 11 Yrs ( albeit mainly a […]

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A Brave New World ?

25th June 2020

As we start to slowly edge our way out of the Covid 19 ‘Lockdown ‘, People return to work and […]

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